Features of Very Long Swap

List of initial features of Very Long Swap


Very Long Swap allows the exchange of tokens on Astar zkEVM.


Farming allows you to earn commissions from token exchanges made on the DEX by providing a liquidity supply (*) for your tokens in Very Long Swaps.

During the period, you will also earn points based on your contribution to the liquidity supply in addition to your transaction fee.

※Liquidity provision refers to the role of an AMM (Automatic Market Maker) in facilitating user transactions by providing a specific pair of tokens to smart contracts to meet the demand for buying and selling. In return, the liquidity provider receives a transaction fee from the user.

IDO Launchpad

IDO (Initial DEX Offering) is a method of token financing on the DEX (Decentralized Exchange). Participants can participate in a token sale of pre-listed tokens on the DEX.

Very Long Swap's IDO Launchpad will host IDOs by several projects.

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